What are the most severe depression symptoms?

Depression is a mood disorder, which consists of three main symptoms: feeling depressed, persistently low mood and loss of interest or pleasure in once-pleasurable activities. Symptoms include difficulty sleeping and concentrating, irritability and/or withdrawal from social life.


Causes of Depression

Depression can be caused by many factors including: genetics, brain chemistry, personality, family history and stress. For example, depression can be caused by pre-existing low levels of brain chemicals such as serotonin or norepinephrine.

Why is Depression Hard to Treat?

The symptoms of depression mimic the symptoms of other medical conditions. When they are not recognized and treated, they can become worse over time.

The most severe depression symptoms

1. Loss of all interest, including pleasure in activities that one used to enjoy.

2. Sadness and crying for no reason.

3. Feeling hopeless, helpless and worthless.

4. Sleep disturbance (insomnia) or oversleeping (difficulty going to sleep). If a person is oversleeping, they may experience a significant decline in functioning the next day.

5. Low energy and fatigue that lasts for more than three months without improvement in the person's physical condition or ability to function effectively.

6. Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood

7. Feelings of hopelessness about the future

8. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness

9. Decrease or increase in appetite and weight (loss or gain)

10. Excessive or inappropriate feelings of anger, typically difficulty controlling these emotions

11. Agitation or restlessness

12. Difficulty concentrating, thinking, making decisions and remembering

What are the best ways to deal with depression?

a. Seek professional counseling to learn about and treat depression. Counseling is a safe and effective way to help you cope with depression.

b. Learn about different depression treatments such as medication, cognitive therapy, and biofeedback.

c. If medication is necessary, find a doctor who is familiar with treatment-resistant depression and who is willing to work with you on a long-term treatment plan.

d. Learn about the different types of medications and discuss the pros and cons of each one.

Use Feeling Moodie App to deal with Depression.

Feeling Moodie App is a free Depression & Anxiety App. It has been developed to help people who suffer from Depression and Anxiety, their friends and family. It includes a comprehensive self-assessment, interactive Mood Chart and a huge variety of information on Depression, Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder.

Conclusion: Fitness App like Feeling Moodie can be  a good app to cope with the symptoms of depression. Since it is a good Health & Fitness app, you can also use it to improve your overall health.


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